Common problem that web marketers are not aware of?

Before you try any strategy to increase search engine traffic, I suggest you run a deep analysis of your website to see what works and what doesn’t. In case you are new to the online marketing experience and you’ve just launched a website, learn about the dos and don’ts so as to avoid possible mistakes. Yahoo! and Google send most traffic to your website, and you need how to optimize your work on these two. Analytical tools will enable you to analyze the amount of traffic that reaches your pages and help you determine where visitors come from.

The analysis as such consists in checking the log files of your website over a specific period of time; it all depends on the number of visitors and the topics that your site covers. It will take from several days to several weeks to come up with a reliable database of search queries, but you’ll have where to extract knowledge from. Sometimes only some of the pages don’t get visited. Why do these pages fail to attract web surfers? You will increase search engine free traffic visibly if you solve this problem!

In most cases this problem appears with auxiliary pages in the website when they pose little interest for visitors. Most web marketers do not worry that much over auxiliary pages, and they are probably right. But if key pages remain unvisited by web surfers, this is a serious warning! The common factors that leave a key page unnoticed by search engines include:

-page size, too large pages are difficult to index by search engine crawlers;
-links may be invalid or difficult to detect when they are located in a menu with complex Java Script code;
-the website has a very deep structure which leaves the deeper pages undetected.

Invalid coding is another problem that could prevent traffic from reaching all your pages. A HTML code validation service should help you prevent such problems and fix the existing ones. Errors become visible during the validation process, but they are impossible to detect by simply viewing the pages. You should be able to increase search engine traffic without other challenges if the code is corrected.

If you submit your pages to professional investigations, you should get the answer to your problem sooner than by investigating yourself.

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